ООО "Белквентаинвест" - международная инвестиционно-коммерческая компания Supplies of the best products
in the agricultural sector

Cooperation with manufacturers

The priority of BQI is a well-organized trading process and cooperation with the best manufacturers and those who want to improve production and constantly make a good profit. To achieve these goals, we jointly realize the interests of both sides, strengthen our positions in national, regional, and foreign markets with subsequent territorial expansion of business.

We have created a working business model that will suit any economic entity from various sectors. We have taken into account the country specifics and peculiarities of legislation, which allows us to successfully develop in the areas of wholesale supplies of agricultural products, food segment products and raw materials and ensure continuous production and products sale.

Why do manufacturers choose BQI

Purchase of finished products BQI has made a favorable offer for manufacturers, including a price offer, and offers them to purchase finished products in large volumes. This contributes to increasing trade turnover, reducing production costs and obtaining a permanent profit. Those manufacturers who sell their products under their own trademarks in cooperation with our company get the opportunity to expand their supply horizon and enter new markets, thereby saving money on marketing and independent promotion.

Supply of high-quality raw materials Manufacturing companies can purchase from BQI quality raw materials they need for production at affordable prices. We have studied all the nuances related to this, and have developed the necessary resources for this - we carry out deliveries, including from abroad, in volumes sufficient to ensure continuous large-scale production. With our help, you will be able to get raw materials at the lowest prices, increase your financial stability, as well as increase production volumes.

Financial support BQI helps manufacturers to consolidate their place in the market and invests in production on favorable terms. We purchase the latest equipment for manufacturers in exchange for the fact that they will produce products for our company in the long term. Manufacturers will be able to reduce costs, improve product quality, get rid of competitors, increase production turnover and profit, and enter the international market.

Minimize costs with BQI and get profit growth.

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